Waldorf Astoria Platte Island, a new Seychelles wellness holiday option

Seychelles wellness:
Back to nature


Calling a destination a tropical paradise is about as clichéd as a pair of teenagers getting it on while getting offed by the baddie in a slasher movie. Yet, if any place deserves such a description, it’s the Seychelles. Not content with being regarded as ‘just’ a heavenly destination with pristine nature, the African island nation is coming up as a rising star in the realm of wellness and relaxation. We take a look at the country’s existing health and wellness projects – and get a glimpse at what’s to come.

An ideal spot to start any adventure is arguably beneath the swaying palm trees dotting the ivory sand beaches that amount to the incredibly inviting Alphonse Island. On the eponymous atoll, which is part of the Coralline (Outer Island) Seychelles, this private hideaway is so lusciously remote, that the nearest inhabited settlement is over 100 kilometres away (guests arrive via a private airport). And one leisure interest visitors can engage in, totally encapsulating what this place is all about, is kayaking. Taking a craft out into the frothing aquamarine yonder of the Somali Sea as one drifts above pretty coral, is a seismic thrill.

Alternatively, guests can row around the isle’s 5-kilometre circumference, as off in the distance, a plethora of exotic birds divebomb through the pale horizon with incredible precision. If you ask us, not only does such an excursion provide a nonchalant workout that reinvigorates the body, but the balmy temperatures and vivid vistas soothe both mind and soul.

Other pursuits that engender just as much merriment number: motoring those calves, hamstrings and quads during cycling, going walkabout on secluded trails that lead to mysterious nooks and crannies, and discovering one’s inner Andy Murray with a drop volley or deft lob (or, in our case, a volley so dire it ends up as a lob). Another reason this bijou expanse makes a lasting impression as a health-giving sanctuary owes to it affording a partial digital detoxification… There’s limited Wi-Fi access and no phone signal. This is to be welcomed, as clients escape from feeling they’re some sort of zonked-out zombie, plugged into an array of info-spewing devices that continually numb the brain. Bliss, indeed!

But, just when you thought things couldn’t get even more fantabulous on the Seychelles (no, we’re not going to parade willy-nilly through the jungle in DMs, and a blood-red mankini – Halloween was last month!), the much anticipated Waldorf Astoria Seychelles Platte Island is launching a line-up of wellness wonders that are serenity personified. There’ll be an extensive range of contemporary and traditional therapies on offer, which will occur in a cutting-edge spa that prioritises sustainability. Relaxing and refreshing 3, 5 or 7-day programmes guests can look forward to include: Cleanse & Purify, Fit & Shape, and Rest & Restored, with Ayur-Holistic and Pranayama being two specific stand-out experiences.

In our view, one of the reasons why Seychelles has the potential to become an increasingly sought-after wellness destination is because they continue to be more off-the-beaten-track than similar places in the Indian Ocean – think the Maldives or Mauritius, where the very idea of wellness has long been commodified and pressed into the confines of what’s available from a treatment menu at an overwater spa. Although this African country doesn’t have a spiritual vibe like Bali or the allure of medical wellness proposed by Swiss luxury retreats, it does have a remarkable variety of flora and fauna, there being over 2,000 species.

Immersion in this pristine environment alone arguably makes for a more holistic approach to rest and relaxation, and there’s a real trend of high-flying travellers seeking a return to simplicity in a world of evermore advanced wellness treatments and constantly changing trends (remember how you wanted to try CBD-infused therapies? Turns out they’re already ‘over’). With mindfulness, and even spirituality, becoming somewhat performative in this respect, we can’t tell you how excited we are about simply visiting somewhere that invites guests to tuck their toes into the sand and listen to the sound of waves. Spa treatments aside, that’s exactly what will be on the program at Waldorf Astoria, when the beloved high-end brand makes its debut on Platte Island next year, offering perhaps the hottest new ticket in the Seychelles.

Oscar Wilde once said, ‘I can resist everything except temptation’. In that case, if he was still around and happened upon the Seychelles, we’d like to think his senses and emotions would go absolutely haywire. Why? Because the Republic’s smorgasbord of wellness activities would be far too enticing and exquisite for the playwright to turn down.

www.alphonse-island.com | www.hilton.com | www.seychelles.com

Photography and renderings courtesy of Alphonse Island, Waldorf Astoria and via Unsplash

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